
"Trade fairs bonus": application for refund by November 30, 2022

The MISE, with a D.dir. Sept. 9, 2022, ordered, as of Sept. 12, 2022, the closure of the counter for the submission of applications for the so-called "buono fiere," a non-refundable subsidy introduced by Art. 25-bis of Decree No. 50/2022, the so-called "Aid" Decree, following the exhaustion of available resources.

The allowance was established to make it easier for the manufacturing world to participate in international trade fair events held in our country. The telematic channel set up by Mise for booking the bonus ceased its activity, as the decree specifies, from September 12, 2022.

This rule recognizes a voucher, with a maximum value of 10,000 euros, to companies with operational headquarters in the national territory that, from July 16, 2022 (the date of entry into force of the Law converting Decree Law No. 50/2022) to December 31, 2022, participate in international trade fairs organized in Italy, referred to in the fair calendar approved by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

After the submission of the application, Mise sends the voucher by Pec communicated by the applicant, according to the time order of receipt of applications and within the limits of resources, amounting to 34 million euros for the year 2022.

For the actual disbursement of the facility, however, beneficiaries must:

  • submit through the same IT procedure used to submit the application, and by November 30, 2022, the expiration date of the voucher, appropriate application for reimbursement of expenses and eligible investments actually incurred for participation in trade fair events.

The maximum repayment that can be disbursed is 50 percent of the expenses and investments actually incurred by the beneficiaries and is in any case contained within the maximum limit of the value of the voucher awarded.

For facilitation applications:

that have as their object participation in trade fairs scheduled for December 2022,
the declaration regarding participation in the trade fair event must be submitted, through the computer procedure, no later than January 31, 2023.

Failure to submit, by the expiration date of the voucher, the aforementioned documentation and the submission of incomplete documentation are cause for revocation of the facilitation.

Mise verifies the completeness and regularity of the requests, determines the value of the facilitation due in relation to the expenses actually incurred, without prejudice to the maximum value of the fair voucher, and also proceeds to verify the beneficiary company's compliance with the ceiling provided by the relevant de minimis regulation.

Following the positive outcome of the checks, the Ministry, after registering the individual aid in the relevant register or system, shall grant it by sending the appropriate notice to the enterprise and the simultaneous reimbursement of the amounts requested by crediting them, by December 31, 2022, to the current account of the beneficiary indicated in the request for reimbursement, subject to verification

  • Durc
  • and the absence of defaults under Article 48-bis of Presidential Decree No. 602/1973 (concerning delinquency against one or more payment bills).

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